Open Call

Public Arts Trust of India is a not-for-profit organisation whose undertakings will extend beyond commercial interests and focus on cultural enrichment, education, and community engagement.

For Edition 1.0, Jodhpur Arts Week urges every participant to showcase work by known and anonymous creators who:

- are/ were either autodidacts, marginalised or underrepresented


- who are/were inspired by folk and tribal art and craft forms from across the globe


- who comment on sustainability, the environment and climate change.

The structure of the week-long event is two-fold: applicants can apply for an Exhibitors Stand, which is based on the traditional art/design fair model, or they can apply to participate through a Special Project.

Exhibitors Stand

This is an opportunity for exhibitors (galleries and independent creators) to display art, design and jewellery through an Exhibitors Stand at the central venue of the arts week.

The fair component will be during the first four days of the event, which are the preview days (and by invitation only).

Central Venue: Sardar Garden


Galleries refer to enterprises that represent and support artists and designers by exhibiting and selling their work.

Dimensions: Approx. 30-40 sq metres per stand

Price on asking


Independent creators refer to artists, designers, jewellers or artisans who work autonomously or in partnership with another creator, or as a studio and are not represented by a gallery.

Dimensions: Approx. 10-20 sq metres per stand

Price on asking

A Special Project

This includes a site-specific installation, a stand that has a non-commercial agenda, a performance or a satellite event.

PATI’s team can support artists, designers and jewellers to receive financial aid to pursue and execute their projects for Jodhpur Arts Week. We will also collaborate with other nonprofits, businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies to enhance the impact of the various initiatives across the city.

Venue: Based on proposal and discussions with the Specialists (see Exhibitors Information pack for a full list of partner venues)

For further information, please contact us.